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Warren College Events Email

The Warren College Events Email is sent weekly to all registered Warren College students. Be sure to watch your email!

How to Submit your Event Information

If you are a member of a Warren College or CSI registered organization and would like to submit an event for consideration in the weekly Events Email, send the following Information to

  • Name of Event
  • Date of Event
  • Time/Location
  • Description of your event (1 sentence maximum)
  • Link to website or facebook page for more info
  • Contact information for event coordinator

All submission are due by Thursday at 8:00 am the week before your event, the Events Email is delivered to students over the weekend (example: an event on Friday of Week 3 should be submitted no later than Thursday of Week 2). Space is limited.

Promote your event to all the colleges

The Undergraduate Colleges provide students with weekly updates on College and campus events, programs, and opportunities through weekly newsletters and social media posts. To request your information be added to these outreach efforts, submit your information by Thursday at noon the week prior to any event.

submit your event