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How to Find WCWP Classrooms


EBU3B 1113 & 1117

1113 and 1117 may only be accessed and left via the Warren College main office doors that face Warren Mall. There is no access via CSE. When you enter the Warren lobby through the main doors, proceed to the left. Do not go down the right side hallway. Warren Writing sections may only be accessed via the left-side hallway. Follow all posted directional signage.

Please wait outside the admin building until ~5 minutes before your class. Do not wait in the admin building hallways. 

EBU3B 1124

1124 may be accessed and left preferably via the Warren/CSE courtyard (by the bear), or via Warren College main office doors that face Warren Mall. There is no access via CSE. If you enter through the Warren lobby main doors, proceed to the left. Do not go down the right side hallway. Warren Writing sections may only be internally accessed via the left-side hallway. Follow all posted directional signage.

WSAC 132 (The Learning Studio)

The Learning Studio has one external entrance accessed via the eastern corner of the Student Activities Center.

WSAC 101 (The Courtroom)

The Courtroom may only be accessed via the southeastern doors. It is right next to the bus stop on Voigt Drive.