Welcome all new students. Our orientation programs take into account any changes to policy related to University safety guidelines. Please check back periodically for updates to dates, times, locations, and details. Thank you!
Welcome to Warren College!
Congratulations on joining Warren College! Our transfer, first-year, and parent & family orientations ensure a smooth transition as you prepare for the undergraduate experience at UC San Diego. Learn how as a Warren student you'll flex your intellectual agility, emerge as a scholar and campus leader, and engage in research and service to tackle the world's most complex problems. Warren strives toward a life in balance, and now you are part of that journey!
Visit your page below for details and to prepare your visit to your new community.
Please note that orientation is mandatory for all new students. We are committed to supporting your transition and believe the opportunities of orientation prepare our students for success. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at wow@ucsd.edu
Have Your Plans Changed?
If your plans to attend UC San Diego have changed, please complete and submit the "Decline My Offer of Admission After Acceptance" form at the bottom of your Applicant Portal.
If you do not formally decline your acceptance, you will receive a bill for New Student Orientation. If you decline your acceptance after attending Orientation, you will still be billed and are responsible for the fees owed.
Access Your Applicant Portal